The LI Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing the healing potential of Lifespan Integration Therapy to populations throughout the world who have experienced trauma and displacement. The Lifespan Integration Institute will achieve this goal by utilizing donated funds to organize and sponsor LI trainings for mental health professionals, and will develop and provide separate trainings for lay counselors worldwide.

What is LI?

Lifespan Integration (LI) is a gentle psychotherapeutic modality that focuses on healing both traumatic experiences in an individual’s life and attachment deficits.

LI is used to treat various types of traumas across a person’s lifespan that interfere with their ability to live a full and meaningful life.

Lifespan Integration predominantly engages the right-brain and is known as a “bottom-up” modality. This means that it focuses on connecting the explicit or conscious memories to implicit or unconscious memories that are stored in the body-mind system.

What is LI?

Lifespan Integration (LI) is a gentle psychotherapeutic modality that focuses on healing both traumatic experiences in an individual’s life and attachment deficits.

LI is used to treat various types of traumas across a person’s lifespan that interfere with their ability to live a full and meaningful life.

Lifespan Integration predominantly engages the right-brain and is known as a “bottom-up” modality. This means that it focuses on connecting the explicit or conscious memories to implicit or unconscious memories that are stored in the body-mind system.

LI focuses on regulating a client’s nervous system, keeping them in their “Window of Tolerance”, while using memories of their life in a chronological order to foster neural integration and memory reconsolidation.

Along with trauma resolution, Lifespan Integration aids in the repair of attachment strategies learned from early childhood.

Attachment strategies show up in a client’s interactions with themselves and with others. These strategies can show up as a desire to avoid, a need for constant reassurance, or significant emotional dysregulation.

LI facilitates changes in a person’s nervous system that creates more of an internal sense of safety. Combining both trauma resolution and attachment repair helps a client in their ability to interact and live more congruently and beneficially every day.

LI facilitates changes in a person’s nervous system that bring about an internal sense of safety. Combining both trauma resolution and attachment repair helps a client in their ability to interact and live more congruently and beneficially every day.

Benefits of Lifespan Integration therapy include:

  •  Trauma resolution
  • Adverse symptoms reduction
  • Increased emotional regulation
  • Congruency
  • “Earned secure attachment”
  • New healthy behaviors and cognitions
  •  Improved boundaries
  • Increased self-esteem
  • New insights and perspectives on life

Creation of the Institute

Several years ago, with the increasing expansion of Lifespan Integration and the continued need for research, trainings, and outreach programs, it became apparent that a nonprofit institute was needed.  Peggy Pace—creator of LI therapy, along with a group of international LI therapists collaborated to start the Lifespan Integration Institute. The focus of the LI Institute is:

  • Scholarships for clinicians from disadvantaged populations to be trained in LI
  • Creation of Trauma Clearing Training Program for Lay Counselors in countries whose citizens have experienced forced evacuations, genocides, sex-trafficking, and other traumas.
  • Continued research into Lifespan Integration Therapy’s efficacy
Lifespan Integration Institute

Creation of the Institute

Several years ago, with the increasing expansion of Lifespan Integration and the continued need for research, trainings, and outreach programs, it became apparent that a nonprofit institute was needed.  Peggy Pace—creator of LI therapy, along with a group of international LI therapists collaborated to start the Lifespan Integration Institute. The focus of the LI Institute is:

  • Scholarships for clinicians from disadvantaged populations to be trained in LI
  • Creation of Trauma Clearing Training Program for Lay Counselors in countries whose citizens have experienced forced evacuations, genocides, sex-trafficking, and other traumas.
  • Continued research into Lifespan Integration Therapy’s efficacy

How YOU can help!

YOUR donation goes directly to creating and facilitating LI trainings for mental health counselors.

Your donations help with funding scholarships for economically or socially disadvantaged clinicians—allowing the further reach of this powerful modality to populations without readily available access to it.

Your funding also helps create and implement trainings for lay counselors throughout the world.